A horse’s hooves grow slower in the winter. Slower hoof growth is good news for some people – this can mean fewer visits by the farrier. But for others who are waiting for a crack or other hoof problem to grow out, this reduction in hoof growth can mean a long wait. With less riding and turnout typically in the winter, there’s less circulation to the hooves to facilitate growth.
Are you envious of other horses at your barn with long, full tails? While some horses and breeds are genetically predisposed to having thinner tails than others, there are a number of ways you can encourage fuller, healthier tail growth on your horse.
Give Your Horse A Positive Show Experience
In only a few short months, show season will be in full swing. If this will be your horse’s first year away at a show, you might want to do some preparation by going to some of the fun shows held indoors during the winter. They usually have names like “Winter Woolies” or “Go Winter” and are very relaxed. Still, they will give you an idea how your horse will react to the many and unusual stimuli that are common at shows. Here are some things to keep in mind to make it less stressful for both of you.
5 Things To Check When You Sell Your Horse
When you sell a horse, you want him to go to the best home possible. But once you sell your horse, you lose control over how he’s treated and cared for. Here are some tips to check ahead of the final sale.
Should You Add A Viewing Room In Your Barn?
A viewing room often acts as the hub of a barn – it’s a place for riders and others to gather and relax while watching friends or family ride. Your viewing room may also double as a lounge or meeting place. Whatever its purpose, these tips for creating an ideal viewing room can ensure that the room is welcoming and functional.
Are You Prepared To Evacuate Your Horse?
Fires, hurricanes, flooding, tornadoes or volcanic eruptions can occur without warning. Have you ever thought about what you would do if you had to evacuate your horse in an emergency? We hope that you never have to face an evacuation, but good planning is the key to quickly and safely evacuating your horse. Here are some suggestions to help prepare.
5 Time Management Tips To Get More Done
Getting organized is usually one of the top New Year's resolutions. One of the hardest things to organize is your time. After reviewing several articles from time management companies, here are some helpful tips for any lifestyle.
Five ways to achieve your riding goals this winter!
Finding that initial motivation to go ride can be a real challenge, especially in the winter. Here are some ideas to get yourself out to the barn and riding...
Riding in the snow is one of winter’s joys and is a nice change of environment for your horse. But if this is his first experience with snow, how will he react? It’s a different surface for him. It looks different and it feels different – this can be spooky for some horses. If it’s merely a dusting of snow, this might not be an issue. But once snow reaches his knees, it becomes a whole new experience.