Classic Equine Equipment Blog
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Retirement Options For Your Horse
Pastern dermatitis, often known as scratches, is a common problem of inflammation of the skin behind or around the pastern of the horse. In most cases, the infection is caused by bacteria or fungus that entering through any openings in the skin – small wounds, cracks or even chapping. The most common signs of scratches are scabs and crusting around the pasterns. There may also be a clear liquid substance leaking from the area.
Trail riding this time of year is a treat for both you and your horse. Cooler temps and beautiful fall colors, followed by a winter wonderland. Consider taking these steps to have a safe trail ride.
Keeping horses off rain-soaked or frozen pasture is critical if you want to maintain healthy grass. During the winter, plants stop growing and horses will continue to graze pastures down until little grass is left. Soon you’ll be left with bare spots that will turn to mud as soon as it starts to rain.
This weekend we turn the clocks back an hour. While it’s great that we get to sleep in an extra hour, it means that days are going to start getting darker sooner. Shadows and poorly lit areas can make stall cleaning cumbersome and inhibit observation and care of your horse. In order to get all the riding, horse care and barn work accomplished, it’s a good idea to look at ways to add extra light to your barn.
It’s Halloween and there are a lot of scary Spirits around. So how can you protect yourself from things that go “bump in the night”? With a magic horse shoe, of course!
Keeping Unwanted Wildlife Out Of Your Barn
Now is the time of year when wildlife may start to find its way into your barn. While squirrels, mice, and birds might be enjoyable while they’re outside, when they come into your barn they become nuisances and even health hazards. Need to keep wildlife out of your barn this fall and winter? These tips can help you do that!