Summer is the best time to own a horse, but we have been getting some real scorchers these last few weeks. Here are some tips on keeping your horse cool this summer.
Classic Equine Equipment Blog
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Easy Ways To Keep Your Horse Cool During Summer Rides
This is Part 2 of our two-part blog series on barn fires. Last week offered suggestions on lowering your risk for a barn fire. But sometimes no matter how careful you are, a fire may be unstoppable.
Every year, thousands of acres of land are burned and hundreds of homes are destroyed due to either wild fires or residential fires. However, every once in awhile a miracle happens – a lone house remains standing, untouched, while the area around it is completely destroyed. Here are some tips on how you can help better the odds that your barn becomes one of the survivors.
The 4th of July holiday is a wonderful opportunity to remember all that is great about America. Across the country, we celebrate with parades, speeches, picnics – and fireworks. Some horses do not mind loud noises while others become stressed and spook easily. Here are some ideas on how to help your horse cope.
Heat Stress & Heat Stroke in Horses
With high temperatures and dangerous heat waves looming through the midwest and south this week it is important to remember the dangers of heat stress/exhaustion and heat stroke. Heat exhaustion and heat stroke are extremely dangerous conditions for not only you but also your horse and other animals. It is often seen during the summer months and in areas where the humidity is high. Strenuous activities or sports such as eventing, jumping, combined driving, or even a simple ride during high temperatures can cause heat stroke/stress.
Your Horse & Therapeutic Riding Programs.
Is your horse close to retirement? Is a therapeutic riding program a good option for him? Therapeutic riding programs may seem like an ideal option, but therapeutic horses need to possess a very special set of skills. Consider the following must-have characteristics.
Foundation, Footing, and Flooring.
Before you start building your new barn from the ground up, start with the ground and below. There are three parts to the underside – the foundation, the footings, and the flooring.
Learn a little about us! Classic Equine Equipment (CEE) was founded in 1991. Although many things have changed since then, our mission remains the same: To provide quality stall systems, barn components, and accessories to meet the needs of all horse owners.