Classic Equine Connection

Try It Tuesday: Competitive Trail Riding (CTR)

Posted by Classic Equine Equipment Blog on Jun 21, 2016 10:00:10 AM

If you and your horse enjoy trail riding, then the sport of Competitive Trail Riding (CTR) might be a good fit for the both of you. A Competitive Trail Ride is not a timed event like endurance where the fastest time wins.  It is probably closer to Eventing in that riders are out on the trail one at a time and negotiate obstacles.  There are also mandatory vet checks.  And, like Eventing, success comes from the trust and communication between horse and rider to safely complete the course.   A CTR is usually held on a weekend and can run one, two or even three days.  The competitors usually cover a distance of 15-40 miles per day.

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How Your Horse Works: Breathing.

Posted by Classic Equine Equipment Blog on Jun 16, 2016 11:00:39 AM

The horse’s respiratory system (lungs) provides much needed oxygen to assist with metabolism, while the circulatory system (heart) delivers the oxygen and nutrients to the tissues.  It also provides a way to carry off the waste products (most commonly carbon dioxide) created when the horse’s “engine” is running/  On the simplest level, the respiratory system acts like an air exchange – oxygen comes in and carbon dioxide goes out.

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How Your Horse Works: Hearing

Posted by Classic Equine Equipment Blog on Jun 9, 2016 9:00:32 AM

Horses have binaural hearing, meaning they hear out of both ears at the same time, the same as people and most other animals.  However, unlike humans who have small, flat ears, a horse’s ears are large and shaped like a cup.  These ears act like a satellite dish to capture sound waves and funnel them to his inner ear.  Because of this, very little sound is missed and the horse might hear noises that you can’t.  This is one reason why you may think that everything is perfectly fine, but suddenly you horse spooks for no apparent reason.  He may have heard something that sounded like a predator to him.

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How Your Horse Works: Digestion

Posted by Classic Equine Equipment Blog on Jun 9, 2016 9:00:22 AM

Horses are herbivores, or roughage eaters. They are grazing animals with digestive systems designed for constant consumption of plant food.  Very much like humans, the horse’s digestive system is a twisty-turning roller coaster ride for any food that the horse eats.   It takes about two to three days for food to pass through this last and largest part of the equine digestive tract.

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How Your Horse Works: Eyesight

Posted by Classic Equine Equipment Blog on Jun 2, 2016 9:00:19 AM

Horses, like most prey animals, have their eyes positioned on both sides of their head.  This is so that they can have a wide field of vision t to watch for approaching predators.  Horses have “monocular” vision, meaning that each eye sees things differently and independently.  Again, this benefits the prey animal as it allows him to look to the side to see where the rest of his herd is with one eye and at the same time look behind him to see if anything is coming after him.

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Try It Tuesday: Clicker Training

Posted by Classic Equine Equipment Blog on May 31, 2016 9:00:24 AM


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14 Ways To Use Stall Mats To Solve Common Barn Problems

Posted by Classic Equine Equipment Blog on May 26, 2016 9:00:26 AM

While stall mats are great to use as the base layer in your horse's stall for comfort, stall mats can also be used in several "non-traditional" ways to make your barn safer, cleaner and more user-friendly.  Consider these alternate uses in and around the barn as well as other areas where you can use Classic Equine Equipment's versatile and durable stall mats:

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Try It Tuesday: Working Equitation

Posted by Classic Equine Equipment Blog on May 24, 2016 3:34:17 PM

Working Equitation, a fairly new horse sport, celebrates the partnership between horse and rider no matter what your preferred discipline.  And the best part is that you don't need special tack or attire or a particular breed of horse to participate in Working Equitation. You can compete as an individual and/or as a team. There are 4 trials or tests in a Working Equitation competition.  The first three - dressage, ease of handling and speed - are required for both individuals and teams.  The final test - cattle handling - is used in team competition only.

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Barn Flooring Options

Posted by Classic Equine Equipment Blog on May 19, 2016 10:00:00 AM

There are typically three parts to what's under your barn – the foundation, the footings and the flooring.  Foundation and footings are what hold your barn up, keep it from shifting in cold and heat, and provide the stability to keep it from moving in high winds.  Those decisions are best left to the professionals.  An Extension Service engineer can take a look at your proposed building, the site and the soils and advise you on the proper footing depth and wall sizes.  You may want to hire a professional to pour the concrete walls or floors, especially when working with floors with drains or plumbing.

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3 Things to Consider Before Building Your Barn

Posted by Classic Equine Equipment Blog on May 12, 2016 9:00:56 AM

classic asisleTaking a few minutes to think through these three things can help you avoid costly mistakes.

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