Looking back on a summer of riding, were there things you wish that were different about the partnership between you and your horse? Do you wish your show results were better? Did you not quite get to your goal of jumping 3'? Are you still uncomfortable riding out on the trail? Maybe it's time for your horse to go "back to school."
Should Your Horse Go "Back To School"?
Fostering a rescue horse is a great way to help out a horse in need. If you are new to horses, this is a great way to try out home horse care. If you think you’d like to give fostering a try, here are the basics that you will need to know.
Make The Best Use of Barn Time During Shorter Days
This weekend marks the "unofficial" end of summer. Since late June, the days have been getting shorter and shorter. Which means daylight time to ride is getting less and less. In order to make the most of your time with your horse, here are 12 tips to save time on barn chores. With organization and a plan, you can still deliver a high level of care, but now at a faster rate.
WEG Dressage Competition Refresher
With the World Equestrian Games (WEG) just around the corner, here's a quick refresher on the dressage competition.
Human First Aid You Should Know If You Are A Horse Person
We all probably know at least the basics of how to take care of your horse in case he gets hurt. But do you know what to do in the event that a rider is injured and/or is left unconscious? Could you recognize the signs of shock, and do you know how to treat it? If you spend time around horses, then it’s possible that you will have to help a rider in a serious situation. Let’s review the First-Aid basics that you will want to know.
Two of the problems with buying a new saddle is the cost and the sometimes uncomfortable process of breaking in the new leather. However, when buying a used saddle, you need to be on the lookout for a variety of issues that could signify that the saddle is damaged. And that spells danger to you and possible problems for your horse. Here’s what to look for:
What Are The World Equestrian Games?
Clicker training is now well established as a leading force-free method for training animals as diverse as dolphins, dogs, giraffes and even cats! And now clicker training is proving its value with horses. Using a clicker is a science-based training method that traces its origins back to the work of B.F. Skinner. Karen Pryor, one of the early pioneers of marine mammal training, coined the term clicker training and helped expand the work into the broader training community.
Promote Your Horse Business With An Open House
Each year, "Time To Ride" is presented by the American Horse Council's Marketing Alliance to promote the to encourage people in your community to Meet A Horse. This equine industry initiative created to encourage and champion the growth of the U.S. horse industry, "Time to Ride" was pleased to announce that the fifth annual National Meet A Horse Day was held Saturday, July 21, 2018.
Continue Competitive Riding At College
Owning a horse in college can be a challenge, with its significant time and financial demands. Luckily, you don’t necessarily have to own a horse in college to keep riding. Try out these tips to keep riding while you’re in school.