With the World Equestrian Games (WEG) just around the corner, here's a quick refresher on the dressage competition.
WEG Dressage Competition Refresher
Human First Aid You Should Know If You Are A Horse Person
We all probably know at least the basics of how to take care of your horse in case he gets hurt. But do you know what to do in the event that a rider is injured and/or is left unconscious? Could you recognize the signs of shock, and do you know how to treat it? If you spend time around horses, then it’s possible that you will have to help a rider in a serious situation. Let’s review the First-Aid basics that you will want to know.
Two of the problems with buying a new saddle is the cost and the sometimes uncomfortable process of breaking in the new leather. However, when buying a used saddle, you need to be on the lookout for a variety of issues that could signify that the saddle is damaged. And that spells danger to you and possible problems for your horse. Here’s what to look for:
What Are The World Equestrian Games?
Clicker training is now well established as a leading force-free method for training animals as diverse as dolphins, dogs, giraffes and even cats! And now clicker training is proving its value with horses. Using a clicker is a science-based training method that traces its origins back to the work of B.F. Skinner. Karen Pryor, one of the early pioneers of marine mammal training, coined the term clicker training and helped expand the work into the broader training community.
Promote Your Horse Business With An Open House
Each year, "Time To Ride" is presented by the American Horse Council's Marketing Alliance to promote the to encourage people in your community to Meet A Horse. This equine industry initiative created to encourage and champion the growth of the U.S. horse industry, "Time to Ride" was pleased to announce that the fifth annual National Meet A Horse Day was held Saturday, July 21, 2018.
Continue Competitive Riding At College
Owning a horse in college can be a challenge, with its significant time and financial demands. Luckily, you don’t necessarily have to own a horse in college to keep riding. Try out these tips to keep riding while you’re in school.
Trail riding is a great summertime activity, but if you’re hesitant to head out on the trail because you feel that your horse might miss out on schooling for the day, that doesn’t have to be the case. There are plenty of horse training and schooling exercises that you can put to work on the trail so that your horse gets his training and you get to enjoy the change of scenery. Here are a few exercises to get you started.
Make Hay Deliveries As Easy As Possible
It's not too early to start thinking about laying in your winter supply of hay. When you own a barn full of horses, hay deliveries are an essential (and often constant) part of life.
Introducing Your Child To Horses
We all remember the first time we met a real, live horse. For many kids, it's a wish granted and a memory that stays ingrained with us forever. If handled in a positive manner, it can be enough to generate a lifetime with these amazing animals. Introducing a child to horses is a special moment, but it’s also important to make sure the introduction is done well.