We all know that turnout is beneficial to horses, but sometimes it just isn’t possible. Winter weather often brings rain, cold, snow and ice storms, and these conditions may leave your pastures unsafe for turnout.
Finding that initial motivation to go ride can be a real challenge, especially in the winter and after the holiday break. Here are some ideas to get yourself out to the barn and riding...
Around this time of year, most places in the united states will get hit by some sort of snowfall. Just recently, some parts of the Midwest received up to 5 inches of snow/ice! Riding in the snow is one of winter’s joys and is a nice change for your horse. However, there are several things to consider before taking your horse out for a snowy ride.
Five New Years Resolutions For Your Barn!
What are your New Years Resolutions? Are you stumped on what your goals for this year should be? We’ve come up with some great ideas for some barn-related New Year Resolutions. Take a look and see if one of these ideas might be right for you.
Today is the day -Christmas! Santa came to town last night, and with him he brought his trusty reindeer crew! Here is some fun information about Reindeer that you may not know.
Pasture board during the late spring, summer and early fall is great for both you and your horse. Not only is pasture board usually less expensive, but it gives your horse time to be turned out with other horses, time to graze and maybe to give his hooves a rest from shoes. Pasture board is also great if you are planning a vacation and don't want your horse in his stall all day with no one to exercise him. But, all too soon, winter starts showing itself and you may have to decide whether to consider with pasture board or move your horse inside the stable. First, horses do quite well outside winter as long as they have adequate shelter and/or blankets.
If winter isn't already making an appearance where you live, it will soon! Below are a few of our favorite Classic items for winter.
There are so many things to be thankful for this holiday season but one thing, in particular, is your horse. Your horse may be who you spend most of your time with while practicing for your next show or trail riding through the woods. Either way, you are likely best friends and that is something to be thankful for. Happy Thanksgiving from Classic Equine Equipment!