Classic Equine Connection

Technology For Your Barn

Posted by Classic Equine Equipment Blog on Nov 28, 2017 8:54:54 PM

Whether you are building a new barn or redesigning your current barn, adding technology components can make your barn safer and your work more convenient.  Consider adding these types of technology to your barn this year. 


If you have a large barn, you might want to consider installing an intercom system. An intercom can be useful for quickly reaching anyone in the barn with important messages. From asking grooms to bring out certain horses to reminding students that their lesson starts shortly, a barn intercom spreads information quickly and efficiently no matter how large your barn is!

Video Surveillance

Video surveillance is one of the most important technological investments that you should consider installing in your barn. Video surveillance can help to deter thieves, and may even reduce the cost of your property and business insurance. If you’re operating a boarding or training operation, the fact that your barn has video surveillance can be a reassurance to owners.

Stall video surveillance is another option.  Can't remember if you blanketed that last horse?  Check via video.  Anticipating a new foal?  A video can keep an eye on the process until it's time.  Worrying that your horse may colic?  Use a video to watch him through the night.

Hardwired Fire Alarm

If you’re not already planning to install a hardwired fire alarm in your barn, you should. The risk of fire in barns is significant, and you should absolutely invest in a quality fire alarm system. Additionally, contact your local fire department and find out if it’s possible to wire your fire alarm so that it sounds directly in the fire station itself. This feature can save valuable time in the event that a barn fire does break out.

Stereo Systems

Consider installing a stereo system in the viewing room so that anyone observing a lesson or training session in your indoor arena can hear the instructor’s comments. As long as the instructor uses a microphone, installing speakers in the viewing room can be a useful tool which allows everyone to clearly hear the session.

Many people enjoy riding to music.  A stereo system for the arena can allow for dressage freestyle competitions.  It is also useful if you are going to be holding shows at your facility.

Tack Room Alarm

Installing an alarm in your tack room is an excellent way to deter thieves. An alarm system offers your tack valuable protection, and provides you and any other horse owners with peace of mind each night. Installing a keyed alarm means that you can give the code to anyone who needs to access the tack room. With tack being one of the easier (and more valuable) items in a barn to steal and resell, the value of a tack room alarm can’t be overlooked.

Automatic Feeders

Making sure your horse has food throughout the day can sometimes be difficult.  Using automatic feeders can insure your horse always has something to nibble on throughout the day.


Installing wi-fi at your barn is a great option to keep your boarders happy.  Once they are done riding, they can keep up to date on emails and social media. 

Technology products keep getting better and better while the prices keep dropping.  You CAN afford to add technology to your barn!

photo credit:  Stall Watch, iFeed
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A 5-Point Checklist If You're Stabling Your Horse This Winter

Posted by Classic Equine Equipment Blog on Nov 22, 2017 12:08:38 AM

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What To Look For In A Used Horse Trailer

Posted by Classic Equine Equipment Blog on Nov 16, 2017 7:56:06 PM

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What To Know About Leasing A Horse

Posted by Classic Equine Equipment Blog on Nov 14, 2017 7:10:19 PM

Leasing a horse is an ideal way to see if you want the responsibility of owning your own horse.  You have the responsibility of caring for the horse in addition to riding it and you can see if the time required to own your own horse fits with your lifestyle.  Too often people are quick to buy a horse and then realize it’s too much work.  Sometimes the horse suffers from neglect when stuck in his stall for days, or the owner wants to quickly sell the horse and isn’t that concerned about the buyer.

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20 Ways To Be Safe On The Trail

Posted by Classic Equine Equipment Blog on Nov 9, 2017 10:11:46 PM

Trail riding this time of year is a treat for both you and your horse.  Cooler temps and beautiful fall colors, followed by a winter wonderland.  But don't take for granted that your "bombproof" horse will stay bombproof in the colder weather and the appearance of more woodland wildlife.  Consider taking these steps to have a safe trail ride.

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Putting A Stop To "Scratches"

Posted by Classic Equine Equipment Blog on Nov 7, 2017 11:28:09 PM

Pastern dermatitis, often known as scratches, is a common problem of inflammation of the skin behind or around the pastern of the horse.   In most cases, the infection is caused by bacteria or a fungus that enters the skin through any openings in the skin – small wounds, cracks or even chapping.  The most common signs of scratches are scabs and crusting around the pasterns.  There may be a clear liquid substance leaking from the area.

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Breed Profile: The Haflinger

Posted by Classic Equine Equipment Blog on Nov 2, 2017 9:35:51 PM

As many long-time equestrians get older, our taste in horses begin to change.  Where once we all rode big Warmbloods or Thoroughbreds, we start to notice just how high it is to mount and dismount these breeds.  Many of us have problem knees that the horse's height can aggravate.  Finally, some of us may want to try other equestrian sports, such as combined driving.  Check out the breeds that might the needs of the riders "of a certain age" and you will probably come across the Haflinger.

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A Halloween Tale: The Dullahan

Posted by Classic Equine Equipment Blog on Oct 31, 2017 9:49:17 PM

Many, especially around Halloween,  have heard the spooky tale of “The Headless Horseman” and his rides into Sleepy Hollow.  But the original story from which it was derived is actually much scarier – and much more gruesome.  So read on about “The Dullahan” of Ireland – if you dare…..

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Keep Your Barn Environmentally Friendly

Posted by Classic Equine Equipment Blog on Oct 26, 2017 11:05:34 AM

Making your barn more environmentally friendly makes good business sense.  The U.S. Department of Agriculture has Cooperative Extension programs across the country.  Congress created the Extension system nearly a century ago to address exclusively rural, agricultural issues. At that time, more than 50 percent of the U.S. population lived in rural areas, and 30 percent of the workforce was engaged in farming. Today, fewer than 2 percent of Americans farm for a living today, and only 17 percent of Americans now live in rural areas.  But Extension agents still serve a purpose by helping farmers grow crops and small farm owners plan and maintain their acreage.

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