Many barns use muck buckets as a way to clean stalls and transport used shavings and manure to a pile for composting. But while they are sturdy, sometimes these faithful muck buckets can crack or tear or lose a handle. Before getting rid of them, consider these other uses.
-Extra seating around the barn
-Large bucket for water for your horse
-Washing tub for your brushes and other grooming tools
-Planter for flowers to decorate outside the barn. Or grow carrots in them.
-Trash container
-Recycling container for bottles, cans, etc.
-Lost and found for items found at the barn
-Laundry basket for polos and saddle pads
-Ice bucket for cold drinks
-Hay manger for your horse to keep hay off the ground
-Organizer bin to keep small items together in your trailer
-Leg soaking tub
-Used tack donation container
-Training obstacles, e.g. jump standards, dressage letter markers, etc.
-Hay net filler
-Or, If all else fails, remember to recycle.