Riding in the snow is one of winter’s joys and is a nice change of environment for your horse. But if this is his first experience with snow, how will he react? It’s a different surface for him. It looks different and it feels different – this can be spooky for some horses. If it’s merely a dusting of snow, this might not be an issue. But once snow reaches his knees, it becomes a whole new experience.
Packed snow is when you are following a trail made by someone else – another horse, a skier, a snowmobile. Because it’s flat, it takes less energy for your horse to walk through it, but packed snow can also turn icy so be aware of the possibility of your horse slipping. Due to the sun and shade provided by trees or other structures, a trail can have stretches of powder AND patches of ice that can come up unexpectedly.
Watch out for “ice balls” that can accumulate in
Have a happy New Year! And make the most of the long winter ahead with a safe ride in the snow.