Classic Equine Connection

Safe Solo Riding

Posted by Classic Equine Equipment Blog on Apr 26, 2023 4:39:50 PM

With summer in the near future, you will find yourself outside riding trails. Regardless if you are riding alone or with a group you should always make sure you are taking the right safety precautions. Riding alone can be a wonderful way to connect with your horse and enjoy some solitude, but there’s also an element of danger when you’re the only one on the property. Before you ride solo, think about putting some or all of these safety tips to use.

Wear a Helmet and Safety GearClassic Equine Equipment Blog

While you might not like wearing a helmet, it’s one of the best ways to keep yourself safe when riding. Additionally, wearing other safety equipment like a protective vest will offer you further protection.

Let Someone Know Your Ride Time

It’s always a good idea to let someone know what time you will be mounting up and what time you plan to be done with your ride. You can text a friend or family member when you start your ride and when you finish so someone knows when you are expected back. Its also a good idea to be sharing your location with a close friend or family member in case of an emergency. This practice helps to reduce the chance that you could be injured and missing for hours.

Program Emergency Information Into Your Phone

Before you head out, take the time to enter emergency contacts into your phone. If you label these as “ICE” (In Case of Emergency) in your phone, then first responders will be able to contact these people if you are injured and unable to communicate.

Additionally, make sure that you carry your phone on your body, not in a saddle pad or saddlebag. In case you and your horse part ways, you will still be able to access your phone.

Know When to Forego a Ride

Sometimes, it’s better to be safe than to press forward during a ride. If you sense that your horse is not quite right or is highly excited, it may be better to forego your ride until you can work out the issues with someone else present. When you’re riding alone, you may want to keep the jumps lower or avoid jumping altogether. What adjustments you make will depend entirely on your comfort level and your trust in your horse.

The next time that you prepare to go for a ride alone, give some thought to these safety tips.

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