Classic Equine Connection

A Warm & Safe Barn

Posted by Classic Equine Equipment Blog on Feb 5, 2025 3:01:39 PM

We still have some cold days ahead to get through. With the following tips, you can help keep your barn warm even on the coldest days!

Start with Proper Construction and InsulationClassic Equine Equipment Blog

The key to keeping your barn warm during the winter really starts with its construction. If your barn is airy, full of holes, and has doors that don’t fully close, you’ll be fighting a lost battle in keeping it warm.

In some cases, you may be able to make repairs to make your barn a little more airtight. Proper insulation is also important, especially for rooms that are actively heated during the winter, like your tack room or viewing room. Good insulation will reduce your heating bills and pay for itself in the long run.

Choose Correctly Sized Barn End Doors

During the winter, you will want to securely close your barn. You will depend on your barn doors to seal out the cold air, but they can only do this if they are appropriately sized. Check your barn doors and make sure they offer plenty of additional coverage, both from ground to ceiling and from side to side, so that there aren’t gaps even when the doors are fully closed.

Additionally, be sure to invest in quality barn end doors that are safe. Barn doors made of thin wood not only won’t insulate your barn, but they will likely need to be replaced in a matter of a few short years. Buying quality barn doors is a worthwhile investment. Check out our barn doors here.

Install Heaters

Installing barn heaters made for agricultural use will go a long way towards keeping your barn safe, warm, and comfortable. A heating system can add enough warmth to your barn to keep it comfortable for both horses and humans. Also, consider adding heaters to your wash bay so they can be used during the colder months as well.

Though not recommended, If you’re not keen on installing permanent heaters, then look into portable options. The downside of portable heaters is that they can be a fire hazard, so make sure to only use them in safe areas free of debris, hay, and shavings, and be sure that someone is always on hand to supervise their operation. A safe barn is priority. 

Keep Horses in Adjacent Stalls

If you are working in a large barn with multiple empty stalls, you can keep your barn warm by moving horses so that they are all in adjacent stalls. If a wing or portion of your barn is left empty, then consider closing it off for the winter. This method can help to concentrate heat in a smaller area, keeping your barn warmer.

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