Classic Equine Equipment

Checking your barn for winter damage

Written by Classic Equine Equipment Blog | Feb 24, 2021 10:18:32 PM

We can only hope the worst of winter is behind us. Two weeks of ice and snow stormed through a large chunk of the U.S. causing dangerous road conditions, power outages, and extremely low temperatures. Now, there seems to be a wave of fresh air, sunny skies and spring like temps. While you can, start evaluating your barn for any winter damage.- The sooner, the better!

Clear Branches. Have the wind or ice dumped tree branches on or around your barn? These branches are a danger not only now, but in the summer when dry conditions make branches instant fire-starters. Clear debris, combustible material and weeds at least 30 feet from structures for fire protection? - It's better to clean them before your summer and spring schedule start to fill up with competitions, rodeos, clinics, etc. 

Check barn structure. Is there damage to posts, beams or walls? Is the roof in good condition? Do barn doors and paddock windows need attention? These are key components to keeping your barn safe so repair or replace these as soon as the weather allows you.

Electrical outlets and wiring. Are the outside electrical outlets and switches safe to use? Water and electricity never mix and can cause shock or fire. In the future, consider waterproof covers for electric outlets. make sure to inspect all wiring. Older wiring may have damage from weather or rodents looking for a dry and warm place to hang out. 

Check storage. Are you storing hay, farm equipment or jumps in the aisles during cold months? Make sure you clear aisles of unnecessary items. Any items stored in aisles should be placed on hooks high enough that a panicked horse will not injure himself. Tack boxes and other items on the floor should not prevent stall doors from opening.

Clean Up. Your daily barn cleaning may have been slacking during the snowy weather. Now’s a good time to check if there are cobwebs and dust accumulating behind refrigerators and other lights or appliances. If so, clean the area. - If you clean now, "Spring Cleaning" won't be as hard

Stall Check. Horses stuck inside for extended periods of time can find destroying their stalls a great way to pass the time. Also, horses afraid of thunder or strong wind can panic and break stall items. It’s a good idea to fix broken items sooner than later:

-Check stall damage to wood surfaces and broken or cracked feeders. Keep an eye out for protruding nails.

-Check stall flooring for uneven surfaces, especially if you use dirt stalls.

-Look around the bottom of stalls for areas that may be hazardous when a horse rolls.

-Check latches and door knobs. Are they in good working order? Do they pose a hazard? Will tack or horses be hung up on them?

-Check floors for standing water, slick surfaces and uneven areas. Are your water pipes still in good working order? Freezing conditions can cause floors to “heave” up and become uneven.

Arena and Fencing. Your arena(s) should be checked for the same things your barn was checked for. – broken posts, damaged wiring, uneven footing and other safety issues. Nicer weather means more turnout time so don’t forget to check fencing for loose or broken boards to prevent injuries.

If your damage isn’t severe, you should be able to be back to normal soon with a lot of good riding time left. However, if the damage is too great, now may be a good time to consider a new or renovated barn. Either way, start your barn repairs when that first sunny day hits.