There are so many things to be thankful for this holiday season but one thing, in particular, is your horse. Your horse may be who you spend most of your time with while practicing for your next show or trail riding through the woods. Either way, you are likely best friends and that is something to be thankful for. Happy Thanksgiving from Classic Equine Equipment! 1. A Fashion partner
Loves new trends in colors and products just as much as you do
Loves when his leg wraps and saddle pads match
(Mostly) enjoys the creative ways you braid his mane
A Therapist
Never tells you it’s your fault (even though he may think it)
Can always improve your mood by doing something cute or silly
He will listen to you for free
A Fitness buddy
Appreciates all the weightlifting you do to make his stall clean and comfy
Knows that even though you’re riding him, you're still doing a lot of the work
Doesn’t let you get away with just visiting him with no ride time
A Teammate
Knows what your riding goals are and is ready to help you practice and obtain those goals
Makes things just difficult enough so that you appreciate any improvement
Loves to win as much as you do
A Friend
Listens to your stories
Never talks about you behind your back
Loves you unconditionally
Keeps your secrets forever
Is thankful for you, too!