Classic Equine Connection

4 New Year’s Resolutions For Your Barn

Posted by Classic Equine Equipment Blog on Dec 29, 2021 2:00:00 PM

Have you started planning out your New Year’s Resolutions? Are you stumped on just what your goals for this next year should be? We’ve come up with some great ideas for barn-related New Year’s Resolutions. Take a look and see if one of these ideas might be right for you.

  1. Upgrade Your Barn’s Stall Components This YearClassic Equine Equipment Blog

Are your barn’s stalls in need of an upgrade? Using old, weakened, or deteriorating stalls can actually put your horse’s safety at risk. You don’t want to trust that a low-quality stall will keep your horse safely contained, so now is the perfect time to upgrade your barn’s stall components.

Make it your resolution to call Classic Equine Equipment to talk about the many stall choices that we offer. We are able to customize stall options to meet the needs of your barn. Our stall options ensure you get the right fit, look, and atmosphere for your barn.

  1. Perform a Barn Renovation

Have you been thinking about renovating your barn, but put the process off due to financials, planning, and the headache of the renovation itself? Then make a resolution to let Classic Equine Equipment help you start your planning now. Working with a barn that you’ve outgrown or that doesn’t fulfill your needs can make barn chores and horse care unpleasant. We can help you renovate your barn so that it suits your needs and looks great.

  1. Finally, Build That Indoor Arena

Having an indoor arena can truly transform your property. There are countless advantages of an indoor arena that you can’t ignore, such as increased income from lessons that can continue year-round and the ability to charge a higher board rate when you have an indoor arena available.

  1. Install Automatic Feeders for Conveniencenelson waterer and feeder CEE Blog

You can’t beat the convenience of having automatic horse feeders and waterers installed on your property. Automatic feeders can feed your horse smaller, frequent meals throughout the day without requiring you to be present. These feeders can help free up your schedule and improve your horse’s health.


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