Classic Equine Equipment

Fall Landscaping

Written by Classic Equine Equipment Blog | Sep 6, 2023 9:11:26 PM

Fall is a great time to upgrade your barn landscape.  Planting new trees/plants in the ground before the first frost gives them plenty of time to get acclimated to their new home before winter comes.  Studies show that plants put in during the fall are already bigger than the ones you will find at the garden store in the spring. 

So, what to plant? You don’t want to create anything too time consuming, but you still want your property to look great. Here are some easy landscaping ideas you can put to use around your farm.

Use "Horse-Friendly" Plants

In addition to using only plants that are horse-friendly, make sure you also choose plants that are easy to care for and maintain. If a plant on a horse farm needs to be watered daily, chances are it probably won’t survive the season – or even a few weeks. However, if you choose hardy plants that can survive on occasional watering and fluctuating weather, your landscaping is much more likely to still be looking great at the end of the season.

To save yourself even more time next year, plant perennials, which will continue to flower year after year. This simple technique can save you time every year.

Include a Perimeter Fence and Entrance Gate

Consider including a perimeter fence around your property to create an impressive, cohesive look. Adding an entrance gate helps to shape visitors’ first impression of your facility, and adds a professional touch.

A perimeter fence provides plenty of opportunity for beautiful landscaping touches. Whether you hang potted flowers from sections of the fence or opt for flowerbeds along the entrance, you can shape the character of your property with landscaping.

Use your entrance gate as another landscaping opportunity. Add flowerbeds to help frame the entrance and the gate itself. Lower flower beds create a welcoming appearance, while taller bushes help to frame the road and give off an air of elegance.

Consider Tree Location Carefully

Trees can make beautiful landscaping accents, but it’s important to carefully consider their location. Try to avoid locating any trees next to buildings – over time their roots can extend beneath buildings, disrupting and even cracking foundation. Instead, locate trees in more open areas where they can grow without damaging their surroundings.

Use Gravel or Mulch Around the Barn

When it comes to framing your barn, opt for a gravel or mulch base which can readily absorb runoff water. If you’re in an area which receives significant precipitation, make sure any plants or shrubs you choose to surround the barn can survive heavy water content.

No matter what types of landscaping you use, remember that maintenance is important. If you keep up with your landscaping, you’ll be able to present a beautiful appearance around your property.