You’ve decided on the perfect summer riding camp for your child, and the camp has sent you a list of suggested items to pack. Great! But, before you start squeezing items into duffle bags, go over the list yourself to see what you have, need and should take. While some camps are wonderfully thorough in the packing lists they provide, others might miss some essential supplies that your young rider will really need to have.
Riding Equipment
Regardless of what is on the camp’s list, you should send your child with a helmet, boots, riding clothes, and riding gloves. It’s generally best to send along a lightweight, well-ventilated helmet for your child to use during the hot summer months. If your child wears tall boots, be sure to send along a pair of paddock boots for use when doing barn chores.
If your child will be participating in horse shows during the camp, find out what types of outfits are required ahead of time. Some camps take a more casual approach, allowing riders to show in breeches, tall boots, and polo shirts. Other camps may participate in more competitive shows and require the traditional show outfit. Be sure that your child has the necessary helmet that he or she will need. You’ll also want to send your daughter with any hair accessories that she needs for shows.
Always send your child to camp with sunscreen. Look for a sunscreen with a high SPF rating – your child will be spending many hours in the saddle and might not have frequent chances to reapply. You might want to send your child with sunscreen in stick form – it’s easier to apply and less messy when your child is at the barn.
Rain Gear
Include a rain jacket (breathable and waterproof is best) for those inevitable rainy or windy days.
Bug Spray
Bug spray is another necessity that your camper will need. Bugs are all too common at camps and barns; your child will be grateful for the spray.
Water Bottle
Pack a good-sized water bottle for your child to bring along to the barn to have on hand during lessons. An insulated bottle is best, keeping the water cool even in the heat. Make sure that the top is designed so your child can open it with his or her teeth while wearing gloves.
The Horse
If your child will be bringing his or her own horse with them to camp, your packing list will more than double in length. When packing for the horse, you will want to send along all of the horse’s feed, supplies, and equipment.
Horse Treats
Regardless of whether your child brings their own horse to camp or not, send along a package of horse treats. Your child will appreciate being able to reward the horses at camp.
Be sure you have signed all the appropriate paperwork for insurance and medical information. Including a riders medical armband or bracelet affords extra important information in case of an accident.
Your child will definitely need these essentials when attending a summer horse camp – be sure to add them to your packing list.
<span style="color:#000000;">Photo credit: Forrestel Riding Camp</span>